Month: May 2020

vinylcast #35: Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures

In memory of #iancurtis planning on playing some Joy Division on the #ds106radio at the top of the hour — Jim Groom (@jimgroom) May 18, 2020…

vinylcast #34: Brian Jonestown Massacre

If the coast is clear, going to be streaming the latest album by the amazing Brian Jonestown Massacre on the mighty #ds106radio at the bottom of the hour…

vinylcast #33: The Flaming Lips’ The Soft Bulletin

Coast looks clear, so jumping on #ds106radio and streaming another late 90s classic, The Flaming Lips' The Soft Bulletin #music2workby — Jim Groom (@jimgroom) May 14,…

vinylcast #32: Blonde Redhead’s Fake Can Be Just as Good

I got this vinyl delivered to Italy recently, I had god memories of it when I owned it on CD, and I have been in a 90s state-of-mind…

vinylcast #31: Bombay the Hard Way: Guns, Cars, and Sitars

Earlier this week I played Kruder & Dorfmeister’s K&D Sessions which was an album I picked up in the late 90s, and at the same time I got…

vinylcast #30: Kraftwerk’s Trans-Europe Express

At the top of the hour I will be doing a #vinylcast on #ds106radio and #ds106tv of Kraftwerk's seminal Trans Europe Express — Jim Groom (@jimgroom) May…

K&D Sessions

vinylcast #29: Kruder & Dorfmeister’s K&D Sessions

Coming up on an hour of Kruder and Dorfmeister's K&D Sessions on the #ds106radio. That means we have an hour an 10 minutes left, so plenty of time…

vinylcast #28: Galaxie 500’s On Fire

Ok, I am about to try cross-casting a #vinylcast of Galaxie 500's Fire on #ds106radio to #ds106tv with a special #vinylcam I made this morning. You should check…